Role of the Chair

14th January 2014

What is this?

There are 3 specific roles in an AMBIT-influenced team meeting - the Chair, the Team Learning Support Worker, and the Scribe. This page describes the role of the Chair. See also Role of the Team Learning Support Worker and Role of the team Scribe

Ordinary aspects of chairing:

Ensure that:
  • The meeting runs to time
  • Different people's perspectives are heard respectfully (Dialogue as opposed to Discussion)
  • Disagreements are mapped and tested (Discussion rather than Dialogue)

Additional explicit roles for the Chair

In an AMBIT-influenced team there are some extra roles:

(a) Ensure that no discussion starts before the team has Marked the task

(b) Offer occasional but regular real-time commentary on the conversation

  • The intention is to Mark what kind of conversation the team are currently (in-this-moment) engaged in:

(c) Deciding when and where Manualization of any identified learning should take place:

  • Manualizing in the middle of another previously-identified task ("to help me get a better risk plan in place") might be unhelpful in achieving a Return to Purpose that answers the worker's need.
  • In such cases the Chair might simply identify this as something to add to the list of Local Manualization Homework Tasks for manualizing at a later date.
  • At other times, it may be appropriate to record the team's learning there and then.
    • Experience suggests that setting aside specific time for team's to attend to manualizing specific aspects of their recent learning is likley to be most effective.