Working with your NETWORKS

29th March 2018
Here we address working with the common problems that arise in working with the professional networks that gather around a young person and their family - particularly if you are keeping to one of Core Features of AMBIT which is to ensure that you are Addressing Dis-integration.
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Working with your NETWORKS
Key topics, and local additions to how we work with large complex networks of professionals, families, and social contacts

Addressing Dis-integration
- The central theme of AMBIT practice with networks
Working with other professionals
- A collection of activities and advice for working effectively across agencies
Taking Responsibility for integration
- The AMBIT stance element that underpins this work
Working with the Social Ecology
- Addresses work with the INFORMAL networks around a young person

Reframing expectations - a core feature

In AMBIT we try not to be surprised or disappointed by Dis-integration in practice across complicated networks; instead, we expect it!

Indeed, working with these imperfect associations, affiliations and collaborations (which requires consistent effort by workers in Addressing Dis-integration) is one of the Core Features of AMBIT.

This answers the AMBIT stance element that promotes Taking Responsibility for integration.

Note on definition

Although the Family is often the most important part of a young person's network, we locate many of the face to face working issues to do with the family under Manage CLINICAL PROBLEM - this is because the 'Family-As-A-Whole' can in many respects be seen as the client, rather than just the young person (and the "family" is however the young person defines this, which may refer to carers who are not strictly family members).

See also Working with the Family/Carers.