Narrative History

26th December 2012


To ensure an assessment covers all the most important elements of the client's story.

Domains to cover

Assessment must cover all of the Domains in which a young person functions, including any StrengthsResiliencies, as well as difficulties. In parallel to the list below, you may find the Topics covered by the AIM - a checklist helpful in ensuring that important areas of enquiry are not left out.

What do the young person and other people report?

These are the problems that a young person, their carers, or other professionals report
See PresentingProblems

Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Including Education, Employment or Training, Social activity, Self-care, and other basic 'living skills', etc.
See EducationEmploymentTraining, StrengthsResiliencies,


Including family relationships, resources, etc.
See FamilyHistory


Including relationships, supports, social skills
See FamilyInformalNetworkMembers

Mental Health and Behaviour

Which involves the intra-psychic domain (thoughts, feelings, perception, insight, etc) as well as 'externalising' behaviours (aggression, violence, etc) and Substance Use History
See PastPsychHistory


Which includes physical health, early development, diet, drug and alcohol use, etc.
See Substance Use History (which cuts across the physical and psychological history for obvious reasons), PastMedicalHistory, DevelopmentalHistory


Including the young person's response to care, inter-agency issues (the integration or dis-integration of services working with the young person and family)
See ProfessionalNetworkMembers

In the interactive case recording version (ICR) of the manual these can be recorded at Make or View Client Notes.