
19th March 2011
Document the Child Developmental history via Make or View Client Notes.

Developmental history may give us clues about early brain development that might have had an impact on the development of later problems. Sometimes it gives important information about conditions that may have been missed, such as Autistic Spectrum disorders or neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD. There may be important information about cognitve abilities (intelligence), etc.

There is further information about Developmental Considerations.

Ask about:

  • Physical problems during pregnancy, at or around birth
  • Temperament as an infant and toddler
  • Relationship to mother/other carers
    • Separations - how did child react to going to childminders/play group/starting school?
    • Reunions - how did the child react when the carer returned?
  • Early milestones (walking, talking, smiling, etc) - parents may not remember precisely WHEN something happened but they generally remember if something was amiss...
  • Early social interactions (sociable, invited to other children's birthday parties? or a loner, unable to share and take turns?), early play and habits...
  • Play as a young child (did they use make-believe? Did they use toys to represent the things 'in real life' - a car as a car, or a doll as a person - or did they just line them up and use them as 'objects'?)