
25th November 2010
Document members of the Family and informal network via Make or View Client Notes.

Key to the underlying philosophy of AMBIT is the attempt to reinforce any resiliencies in the existing social ecology, so as to develop solutions that are not dependent on external agencies, but build on sustainable local resources and intrinsic qualities in the young person.

Equally, the KeyWorker must be realistic in respect of family or network members whose own burden of needs and vulnerability adds to that already stressing the young person (mental illness or substance use disorders in a family member, for instance), so that sometimes the highest impacts from any interventions will be those that act on these vulnerabilities rather than on individual features.

When notating the network around a young person the KeyWorker will clarify the following details:

Name: .....................................
Contact details (if relevant):....................................
Relationship to young person (father, sister, etc):.....................
Quality of relationship: .......................................
Other relevant details about family member (job, health, etc):.............................................