Where are we in the therapeutic journey?

10th January 2014


This is a set of questions that workers might find helpful in identifying where they are in the therapeutic journey with a particular young person.

There are | Phases of AMBIT work |, but while these may provide a map for clarifying "where are we?" they do not necessarily (or perhaps ever!) unfold in a routinely sequenced Intervention timeline. Indeed, if they were a rigid, timetabled, programme, they would likely be perceived as Non-contingent by the client.

So the therapeutic journey may pass back and forth between phases - perhaps returning to the INITIAL PHASE from the INTERVENTION PHASE when a new challenge or area of work presents itself. What is very clear in Active Planning is that the worker should know were he or she IS on this map so that planning can be applied for that stage, and momentum be maintained towards longer term goals and aims.

See also material on considering your client's Relationship to help, which will help in mentalizing their motivational state and therapeutic engagement.

Questions to ask

How motivated is my client?

How much time have I spent with this client?

Is my client showing help-seeking behaviours towards me/the team?

Am I guilty or worried about putting increasing demands on my client?

Is my client showing evidence of trust in his/her relationship with me?

How much anticipatory anxiety do I get before sessions with my client?

How much do I feel frustrated with my client's progress in therapeutic work?

How much effort do I think my client is investing in our work/getting better?

How frequently are there crises for my client? Is this increasing/decreasing?

Is there measurable progress against any outcomes goals?

How much am I worrying about my client "after we finish working together?"

Is there any evidence of Crisis Contingency Plans that are ready to use?