SUSTAINING best practice - CheckLists

5th June 2015

Building sustainable practice

Other areas to cover and audit:

  • All team members to understand the nature and value of the Boundaries for practice.
  • Ensure Local Protocols for dealing with Child Protection issues, for accessing CrisisServices, etc are kept up to date in the TeamTemplate - these should ideally be edited into the team's local template of this manual using [[Local Protocols]] as a tag (see Tags) to gather them together.
  • Contact details for your local SupervisoryStructures: these should be edited into the team's local template of the manual, and they can be recorded under "TeamContacts".
  • Clear understanding of the Rituals and Disciplines that govern how the team will interact with and use this software - this is not the same as technical mastery (though basic use IS simple!) but is more about understanding the "rules of engagement" so that the team's local template becomes an active self-narrative by the team - a record of the team's Mentalization, if you like.
  • Similarly, a running record of details of other Local Community Resources is required, which should be recorderd in Our Resources. These are relevant especially for Social-Ecological Work designed to restore normative function ("mainstreaming").
  • Some capacity and opportunity for 'Work on the Self' so that, as a minimum, supportive structures are in place to allow regular reflection upon the task of KeepingYourBearings, and knowing how to decide WhichInterventionWhen. In the work context, primarily, this will relate to maintaining one's access to the strong SupervisoryStructures within the team, but individual practices such as personal therapy, meditation, exercise, etc, that offer opportunities to increase one's 'stock capacity' of mentalization, vigilance, and an ethical stance, are strongly recommended.