AMBIT Practice Audit Tool (APrAT)

30th March 2018

What is the APrAT?

This is a simple questionnaire and exercise to give teams a basic reflective measure of how closely they have followed AMBIT principles in a particular case, and to help them SUSTAIN best practice.

How to do it?

Try to do at least one APrAT every three months with the team.

1. Set aside an hour to do this - see the APrAT exercise in, or across, teams.
2. Pick one case - preferably one that has given particular cause for concern in the recent past.
3. Using the questions below, audit the 8 AMBIT stance indicators (see Core Features of AMBIT) around this case.
4. Look at the results, identify which stance indicator is the most relevant for the team to improve its practice, and look at the AMBIT Stance Exercises to locate a relevant exercise to practise this.

The Questionnaire:

Full size version here: AMBIT Practice Audit Tool_v.2.pdf

Video introduction

Using an APrAT questionnaire to help you plan the local training sessions that your team might benefit from.


1. Mentalization

Have you maintained a mentalizing stance with the young person/family?Yes/No
Do you have a mentalized understanding of their difficulties?Yes/No

2. KeyWorker relationship

Has the keyworker developed a consistently attuned relationship with the young person?Yes/No
Has the team kept to all the arrangements and plans it has made with the young person and family?Yes/No
Would the young person call the keyworker or the team if they were worried?Yes/No

3. Keyworker well-connected to wider team

Are you “checking in” regularly with other team members, as well as receiving regular supervision?Yes/No
Is it possible to consult and comment on each other’s practice in a sensitive, mentalized fashion?Yes/No
Are team members using phones in the field, using 'Passed Outwards discussion'/'Thinking Together' routines?Yes/No

4. Scaffolding existing relationships

Have you identified resiliencies in existing relationships in your client’s informal network?Yes/No
In their Professional Network?Yes/No
Have you Care Planned work to strengthen these?Yes/No

5. Managing Risk

Have you completed/updated a risk assessment?Yes/No
Have you kept notes up to date?Yes/No
Have you kept to other governance protocols, or noted explicitly how and why you have had to diverge from these?Yes/No

6. Working in multiple domains

Across the whole professional network, which domains have interventions care-planned for them?DeployedNot yet Deployed

7. Taking Responsibility for integration

Have you done a Dis-integration grid?Yes/No
Have you done any interpreting of other agencies for the young person or family/carers?Yes/No
Have you managed, hosted or encouraged any “Connecting Conversations” between different parts of the network?Yes/No

8. Respect local practice and expertise

Is there evidence of unresolved inter-professional or inter-agency conflict in your practice?Yes/No
Is there evidence that you have acted to minimize this?Yes/No
Do team members hold respectful boundaries in discussions about other professionals?Yes/No

9. Respect for Evidence

Have you completed an AIM, or other outcomes measures?Yes/No
Have you consulted your team's local manual or other sources to identify best evidence-based practice relating to this case?Yes/No
With the whole team, have you manualized any particularly effective practice, or new learning, from this case?Yes/No