What is the APrAT?
This is a simple questionnaire and exercise to give teams a basic reflective measure of how closely they have followed AMBIT principles in a particular case, and to help them
SUSTAIN best practice.
How to do it?
Try to do at least one APrAT every three months with the team.
1. Set aside an hour to do this - see the APrAT exercise in, or across, teams. 2. Pick one case - preferably one that has given particular cause for concern in the recent past. 3. Using the questions below, audit the 8 AMBIT stance indicators (see Core Features of AMBIT) around this case. 4. Look at the results, identify which stance indicator is the most relevant for the team to improve its practice, and look at the AMBIT Stance Exercises to locate a relevant exercise to practise this.
The Questionnaire:
Full size version here:
AMBIT Practice Audit Tool_v.2.pdf