Learning about Addressing Dis-integration

28th January 2013


Dis-integration is a key concept in AMBIT, and Addressing Dis-integration is one of the Core Features of AMBIT - which is to say that we see Dis-integration as a natural "given" in complex systems. Thus becoming "upset" or "disappointed" at instances of Dis-integration is counter-productive and liable only to produce stress and burnout in staff.

Having an understanding of what leads to dis-integrated care networks, particularly an explanation that avoids unhelpful blame, or the perpetuation of the common myths that exist about other agencies or workers in such networks, is helpful, as are simple tools that help workers to address these difficulties proactively.

Learning Outcomes

(a) To understand the nature of Complexity in hard-to-reach young people, the multiple aetiologies that influence their lifecourses, and the necessity for multi-modal interventions to address their difficulties. Following this, to understand the inevitability of complex networks of care.
(b) To understand the nature of Dis-integration in complex networks; how it arises, and how it can affect the care delivered to young people and families.
(b) To learn and practice the use of the Dis-integration grid as a tool for addressing dis-integration in the working environment.

Didactic Teaching

A brief recap on Complexity and Multiple interacting aetiologies in Hard to reach youth, including Developmental Considerations that mean that Adolescence is a period of unique vulnerability. This complexity leads to the inevitable involvement of multiple agencies, and in this context the nature of Dis-integration is described, including the different DOMAINS and LEVELS of dis-integration across which it occurs. The Dis-integration grid is then described.

There is a video lecture here:

Part 1

Part 2

Training exercises

Practice using the Dis-integration grid - see the Dis-integration Grid EXERCISE.

Time allocation

45 minutes