Dis-integration Grid EXERCISE

11th September 2015
  • Divide into two's or three's - preferably with people whom you have worked with, or who know a particular case that has proven complicated.
    • If you don't all now the same case, don't worry.
    • Those who do not know the case can still act as inquisitive mentalizers.

  • Pick a complicated case, or one that just feels "stuck".
    • The exercise works best if the case is genuinely one that has got stuck, or complex.
    • The exercise works best if it is a "live" case rather than a historic or fictionalised one.

  • Next, on a large sheet of paper draw out the Dis-integration grid.
    • Fill it in together for the next 10 minutes:
    • Note what you know about what other parts of the system believe to be "the problem", what "to do", and "who should do what".
    • Note what you don't really know

  • For the final 5 minutes, identify 2 or 3 "Connecting Conversations" that the keyworker can commit to trying to "broker" in the coming week.