
29th March 2018
Complexity refers to the number of different Domains that are affected, and also the number of different ProfessionalNetworkMembers that are involved with a young person or their carers. The multiplication or duplication of input from different workers or agencies is a key trigger for what we call Dis-integratedInterventions.

Complexity has a lot to do with the Comorbidities that so often go together, and is one of the defining features of a group of young people that professionals might sometimes refer to as Hard to reach. There are important Developmental Considerations for young people whose difficulties are highly complex.

Prof David Fowler - talking about early social disability

In thinking about early PSYCHOTIC symptoms, Prof Fowler's research shows very clearly that it is early social disability, often a "mess of symptoms and social problems", that is the key warning sign and the signpost towards the poorest prognoses... and what's required to address these kinds of problems is a fully integrated service...

This is a talk from the MAP conference in Norwich, november 2012 (see more at AMBIT: an overview) about Working with young people, neglect and abuse. See in particular the section around 5mins 48 seconds for the significance of social disability.