
18th August 2017
Please note that the editing function is undergoing some development work so some parts of these instructions may no longer be correct. Apologies for the inconvenience and we hope to have these updated soon.

What's this page about?

Mostly this helps you use simple tricks to make text and pictures you want in your wiki look nice an shiny.

There is also a page of Top tips for editing content that is more about style, using links and tags constructively, etc... so that your wiki hangs together well and (more important) so other people can find stuff you have written about!

Making new text look smart on the page

If you do write in a TiddlyWiki then it is worth knowing some of this stuff. Learning a few of these very simple "conventions" (the programmers call these conventions "Mark-up") means you can turn text in tiddlers into something much easier on the eye and easier to read!

Introductory video:

Rather than reading all the notes below, there is a quick Video introduction to editing conventions ("Mark-up") that you might find simpler...


Tiddlers use a very simple "language" (known as the 'syntax'.) This language tells your browser how to display text when the page (or Tiddler) is switched from its Editing mode (what I describe as "having the bonnet/hood up, so you can see the workings") back to the standard 'viewing' mode.

The "syntax" is just "what you type in the Content box of a tiddler" that is switched to Edit mode. The "Output" is what you see when the tiddler is switched back into the ordinary viewing mode.

Basic syntax

By "syntax" we just mean "what you type into the page in order to make it display the way you want it to"
bold font''bold''bold
italic type//italic//italic
underlined text__underlined__underlined
coloured text@@color(blue):text in blue@@text in blue
highlighted text@@highlighted@@highlighted
strikethrough text--strikethrough--strikethrough
superscript text^^super^^scriptsuperscript
subscript text~~sub~~scriptsubscript
preformatted text

Other stuff you might like to use:

Headings and Sub-headings
Bullet points and Numbered Lists
Links and Shortcuts to making them
Creating Tables
Special Markers and clever tricks