Links and Shortcuts to making them

9th August 2017
Please note that the editing function is undergoing some development work so some parts of these instructions may no longer be correct. Apologies for the inconvenience and we hope to have these updated soon.

  • A WikiWord (with a capital in the middle of it) is automatically transformed into a Link to a tiddler with the same title.
    • We used these quite a lot in the early stages of writing content, but it makes for an odd reading experience (words apparently jammed together) so we are slowly removing them and using ordinary language links...
    • this automatic transformation can be suppressed by preceding the respective WikiWord with a "tilde" (i.e. one of these: ~ ): so if I type the letters: ~WikiWord ...then it WON'T become an automatic link in the page (look: WikiWord.)
  • Pretty Links that can include spaces and look like "ordinary" text are just text that is enclosed in double square brackets which contain the desired tiddler name
  • Optionally, a custom title or description can be added, separated by a "pipe character" ( the vertical line - |)): [[page title that shows in the text|target page that opens when you click]]
    'N.B.:' In this case, the target can also be any website (i.e. URL) - i.e. you can make an external link to the tiddlymanuals site like this by using this code: [[this|]].