What is this page for?
This is really a scrapbook of thoughts and lessons that have been learned about the "how" of editing and authoring content in tiddlymanuals.
Top Tips
- Think of Tags as "chapter headings"
- A page can have multiple tags (ie can exist as part of multiple chapters!)
- There's probably an optimum number - depends on how "core" that page is - but too many tags on a page reduces the specificity (think brains - you need clear connection pathways, but not every cell has to be directly connected to every other cell - that would be chaos!)
- Think very carefully about the TITLE of a new page (Tiddler).
- People might well search for it in the search bar - use either the most likely words people would search for, or alternatively a memorably "off-beat" phrase that people might remember.
- Size matters
- Try to keep one "bitesize chunk" of information to one page (Tiddler).
- If you are going off onto a sub-topic, or a different topic, put in a LINK (double square brackets) and make another page for that.
- Balance "centripetal" and "centrifugal" forces in your writing - HUH?!
- A well written page has a balance between:
- Being very interesting-and-useful-in-itself ("centripetal" forces that "draw the reader in") - i.e. great content, succinctly put, doing what it says on the tin (title)
- Being very good-at-connecting-me-to-other-related-material ("centrifugal" forces that "entice the reader outwards") - i.e. great sets of Links and well Tagged so that related material is within easy reach.