What to do:
Contact ambit@annafreud.org to ask for a local version of the manual to be established (this is normally done during an AMBIT training.)
At present, only teams trained by the AMBIT programme at the
AFNCCF have access to local, editable versions of the AMBIT manual, although
access to browse these manuals is (and will remain) open and free.
If a team has
self-trained using the resources in this manual (see
AMBIT training) this would be a small triumph for us, and we are open to discussing offering such teams their own editable manual. If this applies to your team, please do contact the AMBIT Programme at the AFNCCF; if nothing else, we would very interested to meet and learn from teams that have managed such an
AutoDidact feat. Part of AMBIT's mission is to lower the barriers to quality training!
Teams that have their own local manuals will have access to all the
Comparing and Sharing functions in the manual, allowing then look across at, and share the benefits of, each other's work.
The content of the AMBIT manual is
Licensed under a Creative commons License, so it is freely available under certain terms and conditions.