AMBIT training

29th March 2018


This page provides an overview of training in AMBIT and links to all aspects of the training in the manual (click the "Show references and info" panel above right, to see links to and from this page).


To get an idea of the curriculum see 1. AMBIT: an overview and 2. AMBIT Competencies.

Principles behind AMBIT's approach to training:

Considering training? Practical advice about applications.

1. There is Guidance for Teams Considering Applying for Training.
2. There is an AMBIT Training Application Process

AMBIT training routes:

There are a variety of different ways to get AMBIT training

Training resources in this manual

1. Our Training exercises are all included within this manual to encourage and support ongoing local training.
2. Our Training slides are all freely available under a creative commons license
3. The AMBIT Training Tour (under construction, June 2015) will include, gather and organise in sequence all the major didactic teaching content from AMBIT trainings.

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)


Who trains?

AMBIT training is delivered by AMBIT Trainers who are experienced practitioners either working at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families or working in teams that have made use of the AMBIT approach.

Where is training delivered from?

Training in AMBIT, is offered via the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - there is a link to the training page in the AFC website describing the core components of the 4 day AMBIT team trainings here.

History and other background information

By 2015 this training has been delivered to over 90 teams (>1000 workers) in the U.K, developing as it goes, in keeping with the "Deployment-focused" approach to treatment development that AMBIT aspires to (see Weisz, Simpson-Gray (2008) Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents and Bearman et al (2010) Adapting CBT to fit diverse youths and contexts: applying the deployment-focused model...)

Individual practitioners

Individuals are occasionally offered introductory trainings via the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, which address the overarching theoretical framework, experiential training with a number of 'tools', and a brief introduction to the manualization aspects of AMBIT. However, full trainings are not offered to individuals as AMBIT is, above all else, a team practice.