
24th January 2015


Attention to Managing Risk is one of the Core Features of AMBIT, and this is one of the key features of Governance in general.

  • This page is about the actual process of ASSESSING risk
  • See Managing Risk for broader discussion on how to think about and position yourself in relation to the risks in this work


There are many standardized risk assessments available, and while AMBIT would recommend that one of these is used, it does not take a line on which one is best suited to the different environments in which AMBIT supports work. Local services may have their own Risk Assessment paperwork, and (in keeping with our stance principle of Respect local practice and expertise) we do not seek to replace risk assessment these if they are already well embedded in practice; however, we do offer a version of a risk assessment in this manual.

  • There is a Risk Assessment - paper form
  • This offers a paper-based version of the same assessment that is built in to this manual for use (still in the future, as at early 2015) in the ICR application of the manual.
    • If you are using the manual as an ICR, then this page collects all material relevant to the RISK ASSESSMENT of the young person.
    • Find identified risks in your actual client as sub-topics in the "Show references and info" panel, by the title of this page.

To record/update a Risk Assessment:

(For users of ICR)

Note - use of the manual as ICR is currently not advised (Jan 2015)


When you click on a risk item in the list, you are acknowledging that a risk exists in that area, and an editable page will open up, into which you can type some description of the risk. In addition, you must add a letter (A - E) to the beginning of the TITLE of that tiddler, which will allow the risks you identify to be SORTED in terms of severity/urgency.

The Grading System is as follows:

A:Person’s history and/or warning signs indicate the presence of risk and this is considered imminent. Highest priority to be given to risk prevention.
B:Circumstances such that a risk management plan should be / has been drawn up and implemented.
C:Person’s history and condition indicate the presence of risk and this is considered to be a significant issue at present. Requires a contingency risk management plan.
D:Low apparent risk. No current indication of risk, but person’s history and/or warning signs indicate possible risk. Required precautions covered by standard care plan i.e. no special risk prevention measures or plan required.
E:No apparent risk. No history/warning signs indicative of risk. In most cases this would mean that you would not click on the risk item at all, but it is left in here in case a risk that was previously assessed as being present is re-assessed and found to have resolved itself, etc...