What and Why?
The Post-training outcome goals form the backbone of the
Implementation Plan - that aims to use what we know from
Implementation Science to improve the odds of sustainable, effective change resulting from the investment that a team makes in
AMBIT training.
Stage 1 - Self-audit
There is an "Application Form" which forms a crucial stage in the
Pre-training team audit.
This should be completed by teams before acceptance on stage 2 of the
AMBIT training which is the face-to-face training events. The form is designed to help direct teams towards a
mentalized form of thinking about the following:
"Why do WE need THEIR training at all? ...and how would we know if it had helped US in the work that we are already doing?"
- AMBIT explicitly acknowledges that in team trainings it is not a “given” that all team members are equally invested in the training.
- It is important, however, for teams to develop some shared notions of:
- The existing competencies and expertise within the team
- (Notwithstanding what the team is already doing well) a number of observable differences post-training that would indicate successful outcomes from this training.
- The AMBIT project does not presume to know what these outcome goals are (see also the Implementation Plan). Common examples might be:
- Reduced examples of young people "bouncing" from service to service
- Improved engagement rates for young people who have to date been seen as "opting out" of treatment
- Reduced burnout in staff (reduced sickness leave, staff turnover, etc)
- Shorter team meetings
- Team meetings and supervision sessions that leave staff feeling more supported
- etc