The web browser is just the program your computer uses to access the internet.
The commonest ones are:
Internet Explorer
This is Microsoft's standard browser - seen as rather "clunky" by those in the know, and is often available in shockingly outdated forms in NHS or other large corporate systems. Our advice is to try to find a way to convince your IT dept to let you use a more modern browser that automatically updates itself (see examples below) and which handles some of the more recent advances in web-based technology better. See
Organisational support for the technology to run TiddlyManuals for support in this task! The manual will work in this browser, but it won't sing and dance as well.
Google Chrome
This is an open source, fast, modern, free browser - which handles the tiddlymanuals with much greater ease, and automatically updates itself, etc. Highly recommended.
This is similarly open source, fast, freely downloadable, adaptable and also highly recommended
This is the standard Mac browser... Mac users tend to love it in the tribal ways that Mac users love anything Mac (Oh, do I sound jealous?), and there are also versions that run on Windows PC's that can be downloaded for free - it is seen as a good browser.