Main objectives - Sharing and reflecting on the training that has been delivered.
- Looking again at parts of AMBIT which were unclear or didn't fit.
- Adapting AMBIT practice to local context - what are the key things that matter.
- Developing practice objectives for your team over the next 12 months
- Making a plan as to how to get there.
Key sections in the manual.
Part 1:
- Agreeing the task
- Sharing and reflecting on the training that has been delivered
- Explaining knowledge or demonstrating a skill
- Trainers role play using Thinking Together to discuss a concern about their task for the day ahead
- Practice
Video from a TTT training in 2014 - Introducing this exercise:
- Reflection
- Whole group discussion. Usefulness of 'thinking together' approach. Draw out value of recognising feeling as well as beliefs about training experience.
- Manualizing
- Manualize learning points from the exercise
Part 3:
- Agreeing the task
- Adapting AMBIT practice to local context - what are the key things that matter.
- Explaining knowledge or demonstrating a skill
- Trainers restate the importance of adapting AMBIT to local context. Necessity of avoiding AMBIT as an additional demand. High demand in teams already. Do not need additional demand. The aim of AMBIT is to reduce demand not increase it.
- Practice
- Invite each pair of trainee trainers to review the core elements of the AMBIT approach using the APrAT. Decide which of the core principles would be most relevant to the work of their team.
Introduction of this exercise (2014 training):
- Reflection
- Discuss each teams priorities in small groups and consider how this could be practiced in existing team structures
- Manualizing
- Record key training objectives in local version of the manual.
Part 4:
- Agreeing the task
- Making a development plan for your team over the next 12 months
- Explaining knowledge or demonstrating a skill
- Take the objectives from the last exercise and consider all the existing team structures that take place within the team such as supervision, team meetings,
- Practice
- Make a development plan which identifies who is going to be responsible for achieving the objectives, when this is going to happen (using existing structures) and how the training will be done.
- Reflection
- Have small group discussion about the degree to which the plan is realistic and feasible
- Manualizing
- Record the development plan for the next 12 months in your manual.
Part 5:
- Agreeing the task
- Practice a training event
- Explaining knowledge or demonstrating a skill
- Invite the group to divide into two groups and provide a training on a specific aspect of being a trainer to the other group.
- Practice
- Prepare and deliver a ten minute training to each group
- Reflection
- Discuss feedback from the training in each group
- Manualizing
- Record the feedback and the training in the team manual.