Training Day 1 and 2 Testimonials

14th August 2014

Feedback quotes gathered between September 2013-May 2014

“Thank you so much for a really interesting day!...I'm looking forward to thinking about how to apply this in my work with complex families”

“Was an excellent team building activity. Took away the guilt of stopping or slowing down to re-evauluate support to clients.”

“Really enjoyed the day, lots of practical strategies to use with team and client. Really liked visual demonstration of care.”

“Addressing the anxious nature of our work from the outside was useful. Mentalization has changed the way I am thinking about 'stuck' families”

“The day built nicely on from day one, with some easy-to-use practical applications on mentalization ideas”

“Tools such as disintegration grid helped frame complex discussion regarding expectations and responsibilities for families and professionals.”

Average ratings gathered from over 300 AMBIT trainees between September 2013-May 2014

The training was relevant and useful for my work (1 not at all, 4 a great deal)


The course helped me understand the AMBIT model (1 not at all, 4 a great deal)


The course gave me ideas about Mentalization that I could use in face to face work (1 not at all, 4 a great deal)


The course gave me ideas about how we can use Mentalization in our team (1 not at all, 4 a great deal)


Please rate the quality of the arrangements/administration of the training (1 not at all, 4 a great deal)


Please rate how valuable the training was overall (1 not at all, 4 a great deal)
