The following ideas were generated by the first Train the trainer group when asked to consider the type of difficulties that may emerge in trying to train up their respective teams in some of the AMBIT approach.
There was discussion as to whether the word 'training' itself is quite unhelpful and creates a defensiveness among some staff. Alternatives around calling it staff development etc were considered.
A summary of possible barriers to AMBIT implementation from this discussion are listed below
- Insufficient meeting times with the team
- Uncertainty about core outcomes of the work
- The work is emotionally exhausting and peole dont have time/motivation to consider change of practice.
- The staff group have too different a range of training and experience
- The problem of balancing individual autonomy with need for shared approach
- An understandable cynicism about new initiatives
- A reluctance of staff to follow new ideas that may not immediately fit their context.
- The work is dominated by the problem of really engaging young people and their families
- Other organisational challenges dominate the agenda e.g. security of employment.
- Organisational objectives may be inconsistent with the AMBIT method such as short term interventions.
- Staff team dynamics sometimes dominate more than methods of working
- Consistency of practice across a team is very hard to achieve
- Families and staff may not like the mentalizing approach.