Switch the "status" of tiddlers from Private to Public, or vice versa

14th December 2011
Scroll to the top of your page, and look for the menu bar that runs right across the top of the page. If it is hidden, select the "Advanced" mode in the right hand corner. (In the original version of the manual, click the blue and pink 'target' that is in the topmost right corner of the page - this should "toggle" the top menu in and out of view.)

Once you have the top menu in view, click on the CENTRAL word, "TiddlySpace".

This reveals a drop-down menu that looks like a set of "tabs" in a file (Search, tiddlers, Batch, Tweaks, Import/Export) - click on the "Batch" tab...

This reveals two more "tabs" titled "Public" and "Private" - clicking on either one will list all your locally authored material that is either Public or private.

If you want to change the status of any of these tiddlers, just tick the box beside it, and click the command that you find right below the list. (So if you want to make a private tiddler become public, go to the "Private" tab, select the tiddler you want to change, and then click "make public" at the bottom of that list.