
31st December 2012


The Search facility is simple, but cleverer than it looks at first. In particular it lets you search for a word or phrase either just in your OWN manual, or across all the different versions of (the AMBIT or other) TiddlyManuals that are included in the "Community of Practice" that AMBIT in particular seeks to foster. It is one of the ways that the AMBIT manual encourages workers and separate teams with Comparing and Sharing functions.


Find the search box at the top of the Sidebar on the left of your screen (you may need to toggle the sidebar into view if it has been tucked away.)


Just type in the word or phrase you are looking for and it will automatically open up a list of all the Tiddlers which contain it, with the word highlighted in each one - if it is a long list, then there will be a little scroll bar to help to scan up and down the list to select the title tat you are interested in.
NB - It searches only for the precise phrase you type in, not the same words but in different combinations (if you search for "red apples" you won't turn up "green apples and red tomatoes".)

Searching across OTHER team's versions

If you click the little checkbox just above the main search box that is labelled "search all manuals" you will see additional titles of other versions of the manual listed.


This makes it easy to search for content in your own manual, but is also designed to foster curiosity in workers from
one team, about the ways that workers from another team manage particular areas of practice