Why monitor outcomes?
One of the
Core Features of AMBIT is
Respect for Evidence - so the use of regular and systematically gathered
Outcomes measures is important both for the individual worker and for the team as a whole.
How to monitor outcomes
- Systems of outcome evaluation need to be kept very simple.
- In general, each team can decide on their own method of outcomes evaluation.
- The AIM is a core measure for AMBIT that can be used for assessment, treatment planning and outcome evaluation.
- A range of other useful Outcomes measures are included in the manual.
- Outcomes evaluation works best when it is integrated into the basic recording systems of the organisation i.e. how the service records its activity.
Three types of outcomes
- Service Outcomes e.g. reducing the number of young people who go to hospital, come into care or go to prision.
- Individual Outcomes e.g. reduced violence, increased pro-social activity, attending college, less depressed, better relationships etc.
- Client Satisfaction e.g. do young people like the service, do they attend sessions or activities, do they communicate with staff etc.
Barriers to outcomes measurement
- "We don't have time to add this to our workload"
- "These measures are just about performance managing ME - they will show my bosses that I am no good, they won't understand..."
- "We send these outcomes measures off, and never hear anything back - what's he point?"
- "We are asking the wrong questions! If we were asking questions I was really interested to find out about it might be different!"