
6th February 2014
This Tab within the Index lists Tiddlers that have links to them, but have not got any content written.

For instance This one right here... - if you click that link it will offer the philosophical conundrum, telling you that "this tiddler does not exist - in that nobody has given it any content - it is 'just a link'!!

Being able to list "missing" tiddlers is quite useful for authors/editors.

NOTE: when you open a "missing" page (tiddler) you will see a message saying "double click this page to open it for editing" - THIS WONT WORK in the AMBIT or MBTF manuals, as we have "switched off" the "double-click to edit" function (people got confused when they double clicked by accident and found themselves looking at an editing page!) - INSTEAD switch to Edit mode and click the "edit icon" in the right hand corner of your page... |