
12th June 2015
This set of tabs (click on each tab to reveal content) gathers material in a "booklet" that instructs the practitioner in how to deliver Mentalization - based work with a client. If you open links from within the separate tabs those pages will open, as usual, below this open page. See Using the Manual for help.

A family of therapeutic approaches

Much of the material below is drawn and adapted from adult MBT, which has also been adapted for adolescents to form the specific and focused therapy called MBT-A. The same core principles underpin the approach to FamilyWork that is recorded here as well - as a standalone approach to the treatment of families, this is known as MBT-F (or Mentalization-Based Treatment for Families).

The integrated approach to individual work described below offers a structured intervention that draws on Cognitive Behavioural approaches, too.