Measuring progress against objectives

15th December 2015
The aim is to create a simple and low burden feedback system that could help teams to see how they are progressing against their agreed objectives. The precise method will be the decision of the team. Below are some suggested approaches to this.

Using staff ratings to measure change against objectives.

For example, a team may agree that the objective is to establish clearer goals with the young people that they work with. Taking this as a measure we could invite team members to feedback on a scale of 1-10 as to how they think they have been doing against this measure and also how the team has been doing. These ratings could be recorded using POD -. POD - a web based outcome measurement system. Team members could be invited to complete these ratings once a month with an agreement to discuss these ratings every three months.

Using standardised measures to record staff experience

If there was concern, for example, about staff morale or burn-out, it may be more appropriate to use a standardised measure about stress such as the GHQ in order to obtain more comprehensive information about this aspect of team working.

Obtaining feedback form young people

There is a whole range of suggestions about measuring outcome for young people in other parts of the manual e.g. the AIM system of measuring problems, or more standard problem checklists or satisfaction of service questionnaires (ESQ).