Make a new space

19th April 2012
This is for advanced users and is not required for day to day use of TiddlyManuals.

It involves starting an an entirely separate wiki - that you can use for lots of different things (see @dickon for an example) but which are separate from this wiki!

  • Ensure you are Logged in as a user.
  • Go to your User menu
  • You will see a button saying "Create Space" and a box above to give your new space a name. If the name you choose is already taken then you'll need to choose a new one!

  • If you want to work on the current space that you have opened with someone else, but you don't want to make them a member (which would give them completely equal rights over the content with you) then check the box that says "Include the current space in the new space" - this will make a new space that includes the original - you can then make your colleague a member of that space and while your original material remains untouched, the two of you can hack away at the new version to your heart's content.