Krueger and Glass (2013) Integrative Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: A practice-oriented literature review

1st May 2014
Krueger, SJ, and Glass, CR (2013) "Integrative Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: A practice-oriented literature review" Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 2013, no.4, 331-344

"Recently developed, Adolescent Mentalization-Based Integrative Therapy (AMBIT; Bevington & Fuggle, 2012) uses mentalization, a traditionally psychodynamic or "relational" conceptual framework, to integrate techniques from different evidence based interventions for the treatment of adolescents with complex severe mental health needs. Theoretically, AMBIT also emphasises how mentalization underlies change across all therapeutic orientations (Bevington, Fuggle, Fonagy, Target and Asen, 2013). AMBIT appear to have much promise and is quite innovative, particularly due to its embrace of new technologies, compatibility with an interdisciplinary treatment team approach, and endorsement of adaptation by local treatment providers. An open source online treatment manual is freely available to practitioners."