I haven't got time to do this!

24th November 2013

Have you got time NOT to do this?

The ideas in AMBIT are about working intelligently, and using existing structures more effectively, rather than replacing/adding tasks...

From the experience of training a large number of teams, a number of general themes have emerged. Firstly, in discussion about existing team processes, there is often a recognition that the current methods of working have gaps and difficulties. For example, one team the AMBIT training who provided a telephone support service to parents and they would have a debriefing session at the end of the day to discuss the calls that had come in. Some of the calls involved highly anxiety provoking situations and the staff were often left with residual feelings about the calls they had had to deal with. Before the training the debriefing sessions were long and the staff did not find them particularly helpful. After the training they decided to try using the 'thinking together' approach during the debriefing process. When they came back for a follow-up training day they reported that the length of time for the debriefing sessions has significantly reduced and staff were feeling that the meetings were more useful.

This is an example which stuck in our minds and we do not claim that this is always the outcome but it suggests that there may be gains in using these techniques which may not result in additional time being required to adopt the AMBIT approach.

Some very preliminary evaluations of the AMBIT approach have suggested that clinical outcomes have remained similar to before the training but that the amount of services needed to achieve similar outcomes has reduced i.e. there is greater efficiency in the delivery of equal outcomes.

See also I cannot relinquish my statutory responsibilities to do this AMBIT stuff....