
1st March 2013
In 1943 Abraham Maslow described a helpful hierarchy of human needs and motivations, and this is helpful to bear in mind for Active Planning.

This is simplified and adapted in the Active Planning Map - a tool to help develop collaborative care planning.


...is that trying to address needs in the higher levels before needs in the lower levels have been met is pointless, even dangerous, and is likely to lead to rapid dis-engagement by a young person or family who perceive you as not only unhelpful, but potentially threatening (by taking thero attention off more IMMEDIATE and PRESSING needs.

1st (highest): SELF-ACTUALISATION Needs

The motivation to realize one's own maximum potential and possibilities. This is the "master motive" or the only real motive; all other (lower) motives are variants on this theme. But Self-actualization can only be pursued in itself, once lower level needs have been satisfied. Examples of people fully achieving this are rare (Gandhi, Dalai Lama, etc) - includes morality, creativity, spontaneity, etc...

2nd: ESTEEM Needs

Self esteem and the esteem of others; confidence and achievement.


Friendship, Family, Social, and (in adults) sexual intimacy.


This level acknowledges the yearning for a predictable world in which injustice and inconsistency are under control. Safety and Security needs include: Personal security (safety from violence or theft, for instance, but also basic SHELTER and CLOTHING), financial security, health and well-being, and having some form of safety net against accidents/illness and their adverse impacts. Such features have been lacking for most of human history, but at this point are mostly satisfied in the "First World" — although the poor, and crucially the YOUNG, must often still address these needs. In considering young people we should include Child Protection needs at this level.

5th (most basic): PHYSIOLOGICAL Needs

For the most part, physiological needs are obvious - they are the literal requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met (with the exception of clothing and shelter), the human body simply cannot continue to function. They include Breathing, Food, and Sexual activity. Lack of air and food will kill an individual. A lack of sexual activity would mean the extinction of humanity, probably explaining the strength of the sexual instinct in individuals.