20th July 2016
See also the Core Features of AMBIT for text and video to support this diagram.


You can Download the AMBIT Wheel diagram as a PDF here


Click on where you want to go (or scroll down for more content.)


There's more: a client's version

The AMBIT Wheel is primarily designed for the benefit of workers - helping them to map or mark and balance the range and scope of their work tasks.

A new development currently under review is a "matched" (segment-for-segment) version, the Client's AMBIT Wheel. Early feedback about this from practitioners at the 2016 AMBIT conference was positive - as a way of shaping workers' understanding of their work from the client's point of view. Whether sharing it with clients (as a form of PsychoEducation aid) adds any value is undetermined as yet.

Feedback from AMBIT-influenced teams

"We have found that we have managed to embed use of the 'Wheel' in the team meeting (members elect to think with a view to a particular quadrant)"
AMBIT-influenced team, 2014